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Welcome to my store. My products are all about improving the video quality of vintage computers. For this, I invented the lumacode system that is especially useful for  machines of the 1980th. Read more about this on the lumacode documentation page.

Besides my own mod kits to build into your machine, I also resell some RGBtoHDMI-related devices that will bring the video signal to modern digital monitors/TVs.

If you are unsure what you need, please check the compatibility lists below.

Retro-Machine Lumacode modification to build into the machine Type of installation
Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) PPUdigitizer Basic soldering
Commodore 64 VICIIdizer Plug-in
Commodore 128 VICIIdizer128 Plug-in
Commdore VIC 20 VIC20digitizer May require desoldering of the VIC if not socketed
Atari 400, 800 GTIAdigitizer Desolder GTIA due to space constraints
Atari 600XL, 800XL GTIAdigitizer Plug-in
Atari 800XL french variant GTIAdigitizer Very unusual soldering
Atari 65XE, 130XE, 800XE GTIAdigitizer Plug-in
Atari 2600 (Atari VCS) TIAdigitizer Plug-in, may need a hole in the case
ZX Spectrum 16K, 48K ULAdigitizer Soldering of wires, may need a hole in the case
ColecoVision TMSdigitizer Very unusual soldering
Texas Instruments TI-99/4 or TI-99/4A TMSdigitizer Basic soldering, may need a hole in the case
MSX machines (not MSX2) TMSdigitizer Basic soldering, may need a hole in the case
Signal source Cable RGBtoHDMI variant
any Lumacode or monochrome RCA socket no extra cable needed RGBtoHDMI Mono & Lumacode
any Lumacode or monochrome RCA socket Lumacode cable for RGBtoHDMI Analog RGBtoHDMI Analog (not available on my store yet)
BBC micro, Master 128, Electron DIN 6 to Analog RGBtoHDMI RGBtoHDMI Analog (not available on my store yet)
Amstrad CPC DIN 6 to Analog RGBtoHDMI RGBtoHDMI Analog (not available on my store yet)
ZX Spectrum 128 ZX Spectrum 128 cable RGBtoHDMI Analog (not available on my store yet)
ZX Spectrum +2 (grey), +2A, +3 DIN 8 to Analog RGBtoHDMI RGBtoHDMI Analog (not available on my store yet)
Sinclair QL DIN 8 to Analog RGBtoHDMI RGBtoHDMI Analog (not available on my store yet)
MDA/CGA/EGA video card DB9 to Digital RGBtoHDMI RGBtoHDMI Digital (not available on my store yet)
Commodore 128 80 columns video port DB9 to Digital RGBtoHDMI RGBtoHDMI Digital (not available on my store yet)